- 一位总统应该充满对国家的责任感。 A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.
- 不同国家的人说不同的语言。 People in different countries speak different languages.
- 总统宣布说,他的国家不能容忍任何威胁要攻击其盟国的人。 The president stated that his country would not tolerate anybody who raised a hand against their allies.
- 这个国家的气候如何? What kind of climate do you have in this country?
- 每个人都关心自己国家的前途。 Everybody is concerned about the future of his country.
- 国家的继续生存,这是一大因素。 The readiness to keep on learning is vital to our continued survival.
- 他们居住在这个国家的边境上。 They dwelt on the borders of the country.
- 不要干涉其它国家的内政。 Do not meddle in the internal affair of other countries.
- 破坏国家的名誉 to asperse the country's good name (honour)
- 我们国家的未来与我们每个人都利害相关。 Each of us has a stake in the future of our country.
- 他的逝世是国家的一大损失。 His loss will be left throughout the country.
- 热带国家的许多人死于疾病。 Many people in the tropical countries perish from disease.
- 政府为国家的开支而征税。 The government levies taxes for national expenses.
- 垄断了国家的权力 to engross the power of the state
- 我们国家的完整性受到了威胁。 Our integrity as a nation is threatened.
- 一个国家的内陆地区或高地 An inland or upland region of a country.
- 我们国家的主要工业是什么? What is the major industry of our nation?
- 他任命一个合格的人来调查个人对国家的不满。 He appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State.
- 西方国家的不景气造成交易额猛降。 Recession in the western countries have cause business to slump.
- 这个国家的人口增长了百分之十。 The population of this country rose by 10 percent.